About Strategic Renewal
A major sign of a healthy and developing school community is its capacity to renew itself. Such renewal involves critical reflection by the community on its essential purpose(s) as it encounters constant change and new challenges, a review and validation of the authenticity of its practice and a commitment to continuous improvement. The document Implementing School Renewal in Catholic Schools (March, 2003) builds on the experience and understandings of more than a decade of implementation of the Queensland Catholic Education Commission’s Self Renewing Catholic Schools Policy (1987) and the Brisbane Catholic Education’s Implementation and Resource Manual (School Renewal) for Systemic Catholic School Communities (1997). In particular, the guidelines and procedures named in this document provide for an explicit engagement by Catholic schools with the Strategic Renewal Framework for Catholic Schooling in the Archdiocese of Brisbane 2002-2006; such engagement ensures that in addressing the priorities of the framework, the defining features for Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Brisbane will be addressed.
Annual Plan
Our St Andrew's 2025 Annual Improvement Plan can be viewed in the below document.
2025 Annual Improvement Plan.pdf
The Catholic school is a “place of integral education of the human person through a clear educational project of which Christ is the foundation.” (CSTTM: 4, 1997)
Contemporary Catholic schools function within a changing and complex educational, ecclesial and social context. Such complexity requires schools to continuously recreate themselves from within-through changes that support continuous review and improvement of the education process at every level so that the provision of high quality inclusive Catholic schooling will be strengthened within their local community.
As a dynamic faith community, operating in constructive partnerships, each Catholic school confirms, through a process of renewal, that it is committed to providing an education with Christ as its foundation.
Diocesan authorities and Governments have a right to seek assurance that their interests in Catholic schools are being well served. First and foremost, however, it is the school community, as a united entity, which has both the primary right and responsibility to account to itself through transparent renewal processes.
The BCE Strategic Renewal Cycle incorporates those school and diocesan processes through which the mission of Catholic education within a local school community is sustained and enhanced; in so doing schools improve their capacity to provide high quality, inclusive Catholic education, state accreditation and diocesan requirements are met and individual performance management is addressed. This cycle of renewal is a journey rather than a response to a blueprint; schools will need to continually adapt while staying true to their purpose and core values.
QCEC Policy on School renewal
All Catholic schools in Queensland will engage in systematic renewal processes that strengthen the capacity of Catholic schools to effectively address their purposes and mission.