Welcome to St Andrew's School

 Quick Links



Enrolhttps://public.bne.catholic.edu.au/enrolmentspublic?schoolId=105#/enrolment-clean/home, EnrolEnrol
Parent Portalhttps://extranet.bne.catholic.edu.au/parent/standrewsfg, Parent PortalParent Portal
School Portalhttps://mybcecatholicedu.sharepoint.com/sites/sp-standrewsfg, School PortalSchool Portal
BCE Connect Apphttps://itunes.apple.com/au/app/bce-connect/id910824920?mt=8, BCE Connect AppBCE Connect App
Term Dateshttp://www.standrewsfg.qld.edu.au/ParentInfo/Pages/termDates.aspx, Term DatesTerm Dates
Submit an enquiryhttps://forms.office.com/r/fiKMeXE4Rv, Submit an enquirySubmit an enquiry




​​​A modern Catholic primary school creating independent learners

St Andrew’s is a contemporary​ Catholic school of learning, helping to develop independent learners of all ages. Our school is steeped in the tradition of Benedict and is based on the foundational values of Making Jesus Real (MJR).



Learn with ushttp://www.standrewsfg.qld.edu.au/curriculum/Pages/default.aspx, Learn with usLearn with us
Enrolmentshttp://www.standrewsfg.qld.edu.au/enrolments/Pages/default.aspx, EnrolmentsEnrolments
Beyond the classroomhttp://www.standrewsfg.qld.edu.au/cocurricular/Pages/default.aspx, Beyond the classroomBeyond the classroom

 What's on at St Andrew's



 Contact us

89 Hogarth Rd Ferny Grove QLD 4055

P.O. Box 174 Ferny Hills QLD 4055

T: (07) 3351 6366

F: (07) 3851 1054

E: pfernygrove@bne.catholic.edu.au

 Enrolments open
